In August of 2006, John & Laurence Bagley gave the Pepperell Historical Society title to the District No. 3 Schoolhouse. This is the first building in Pepperell to be totally dedicated to historic use and restoration. Society members gratefully and humbly accepted the gift.
Built in 1844, the setting of District No. 3 Schoolhouse is typical of the time period. It sits in the geographic center of the school district at the intersection of two through streets allowing an approach from all directions and it sits so close to the traveled road that a granite post was set to prevent damage from passing wagons.
West side of District No. 3, August 2016
West side after Dave Hartwell came with his tractor.
On August 14, 2006, the first meeting of the Pepperell Historical Society was held at the schoolhouse amongst the grime, debris and boarded up windows.
At the end of August, graffiti was removed, bricks were cleaned and the lot was cleaned up by House of Correction inmates under the supervision of the Middlesex County Sheriff’s Dept.
During the following months, several work parties were held to clear the building of debris and to start on clean-up.
Work began on repairing windows that were broken and had been boarded up for many years.
More window work.
Much of the crumbling plaster, laths and nails had to be removed.
In September a parking lot was layed out courtesy of Carl Shattuck with donated fill.
The Pepperell Historical Society hosted their first Open House on October 14th. Notice the new window & shutters.
It was a perfect Fall day for an Open House. The entry shown is not orginal to the building
On June 14, 2007, a second Open House featuring early American handwork was held at the schoolhouse.
Artifacts from the Society’s collection were on display at the Open House, as well as some private collections – an example of the Society’s goal to create a restored schoolhouse that provides a meeting hall and exhibit space for all to use and enjoy.
Joe Fagone donated his electrical services.
Materials were also donated by Holt Lumber, and Ken West graciously gave his time and expertise helping with windows and privy platform & flooring.
Three windows done, many to go . . . . .