• Our Mission

    The Pepperell Historical Society is a 501(C) 3 corporation. The primary goal of the organization is to preserve and create an awareness of the legacy left by the citizens of Pepperell over the last three hundred years.

How You Can Join Us

Become A Member

Any person who supports the Society’s objectives may become a member by agreeing to comply by Society by-laws and paying membership dues. Annual membership is $25.00 for an individual and $40 for a family membership. Click here to download a membership form.

Attend a Meeting

Regular meetings are held at 7 PM, the second Monday of each month at the Peter Fitzpatrick School, River Rd., Pepperell, at the Rotary.

See our Events page for a complete schedule.


Want to help? The historical society welcomes contributions, large or small, at any time. An outright gift is fully tax-deductible. Donate now using our secure online form. Here's a link:

Our Legal Documents

Our Articles of Organization
Our By-Laws
Our Articles of Amendment